Interop with other geometry libraries.
import re
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union
from .crs import CRS, MaybeCRS, Optional, norm_crs
from .gcp import GCPGeoBox
from .geobox import GeoBox
from .geom import Geometry, point
from .types import XY, xy_
def from_geopandas(series) -> List[Geometry]:
Convert Geopandas data into list of :py:class:`~odc.geo.geom.Geometry`.
crs = getattr(series, "crs", None)
gg = getattr(series, "geometry", None)
if crs is None or gg is None:
return []
return [Geometry(g, crs) for g in gg]
def extract_gcps(
output_crs: MaybeCRS = None,
) -> Tuple[List[XY[float]], List[Geometry]]:
Extract Ground Control points from :py:class:`rasterio.DatasetReader`.
:returns: ``[pixel coords], [world coords]``
pix, wld, gcp_crs = extract_gcps_raw(src)
output_crs = norm_crs(output_crs)
wld_pts = (point(pt.x, pt.y, gcp_crs) for pt in wld)
if output_crs is not None and gcp_crs != output_crs:
wld_pts = (pt.to_crs(output_crs) for pt in wld_pts)
return pix, list(wld_pts)
def map_crs(m: Any, /) -> Optional[CRS]:
def _from_name(srs: str) -> Optional[CRS]:
if match := re.match(r"epsg:?(?P<code>\d+)", srs.lower()):
return CRS(f"epsg:{match['code']}")
return None
_crs = getattr(m, "crs", None)
if isinstance(_crs, str):
# probably folium map
return _from_name(_crs)
if isinstance(_crs, dict):
# ipylealflet uses dict
if (name := _crs.get("name", None)) is not None:
if (crs := _from_name(name)) is not None:
return crs
if (proj4def := _crs.get("proj4def", None)) is not None:
return CRS(proj4def)
return None
def rio_geobox(rdr: Any) -> Union[GeoBox, GCPGeoBox]:
Construct GeoBox from rasterio.
:param rdr: Opened :py:class:`rasterio.DatasetReader`
:py:class:`~odc.geo.geobox.GeoBox` or :py:class:`~odc.geo.gcp.GCPGeoBox`.
pts, _ = rdr.gcps
if len(pts) > 0:
return GCPGeoBox.from_rio(rdr)
return GeoBox.from_rio(rdr)